In Sure and Certain Hope. 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2023. SOLD Through All the Unquiet Years. 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2023. SOLD Fernweh I (Prodigals). 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2023. $325 Out of the Miry Clay (40). 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2023. $325 For Things Done, And For Things Left Undone. 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2023. $325 Out of Earth's Sorrows. 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2023. SOLD Psalm 130: Out of the Depths 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2022. SOLD No Secrets Are Hid 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2022. SOLD All Desires Known 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2022. SOLD All Hearts Are Open 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2022. $325 In the Sunless Valley 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2022. SOLD Through a Glass Darkly II 16x6 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2022. SOLD Glory Grows in the Dark 16x16 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2022. SOLD A Crown of Beauty for Ashes 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2022. SOLD A Prayer in Times of Isolation 36x48 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, sumi ink and wax on panel. 2020. $3,500 No Earthly Hurt Heaven Can't Heal 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD Take Him By the Hand 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. $300 Delivered From the Disquietude of This World 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD Ringing the Bells in Heaven and Hell 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD Through a Glass Darkly I 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD I Wish I Had Known You, I Wish You Had Known Me 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD All That Remains Is All I Ever Had 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD Gravity and Grace 48x36 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. $3,500 Redemption of Ashes II 48x36 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. $3,500 Easter 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD Into the Bright Sadness 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD We Shake With Joy, We Shake With Grief 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, soil, acrylic and wax on panel. 2019. SOLD Out of the Woods 11x14 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. SOLD Peace 10x10 inches. Oil on Canvas. 2019. SOLD When Dark Gives Way to Light II 36x36 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. $2,600 Psalm 30: Mourning Into Dancing 24x36 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. $1,300 Where, O Death, Is Your Sting? 20x16 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. $650 Ascension. 36x24 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic, and wax on panel. 2018. SOLD The Rush of Life Here Where the Darkness Broke 36x36 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. $2,600 Cry Out 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. SOLD Prayers of the People 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. SOLD A Living Protest Against Death 36x18 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. SOLD When Dark Gives Way to Light 12x12 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. SOLD Redemption of Ashes I 48x36 inches. Charcoal, ashes, acrylic and wax on panel. 2018. SOLD Unititled Study of Aneil 8x10 inches. Oil on Canvas. 2018. SOLD Untitled Study. 10x10 inches. Charcoal on paper. 2018. SOLD